H&N North America employs a company technical services veterinarian, as well as consulting specialists, to work directly with customers throughout North America. Our team of highly qualified experts are available to provide technical expertise on flock health, nutrition, and management issues. It is our mission to provide all customers the necessary support in order to have the best performing pullet and layer flocks. For technical support from please contact your H&N North America regional manager.
H&N North America customers may use the Hy-Line International technical services laboratory based in Dallas Center, Iowa for routine and diagnostic serology testing. Customers use our lab to evaluate the success of their vaccination programs and to test for several egg layer diseases. The veterinarian will review all serology reports and provide consultation to customers as needed.
- Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG)
- Mycoplasma synoviae (MS)
- Infectious Bronchitis (IBV)
- Newcastle Disease (NDV)
- Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE)
- Please send a completed H&N North America lab submission form with all serum samples sent to the technical services lab
- Download the form here
- Send samples to the following address:
Hy-Line International Technical Services Lab
2583 240th Street
Dallas Center, Iowa 50063
Phone: (515)992-4173
Fax: (515) 992-3203
Veterinary Support
Experienced poultry managers know that proper nutrition pays. In addition to health, accurate nutrition formulation is required to assure profitable performance of layer flocks. H&N layers are exposed to a wide variety of feed rations in several locations around the world and produce exceptional results under a multitude of circumstances. Careful selection of feed ingredients is essential for formulation of a ration that meets the nutritional needs of the flock. The end result will be highly efficient production of top-quality eggs that perfectly fit the market requirements.

As part of our nutritional services we have access to a feed analysis laboratory that helps rule out feed related production and/or health issues, and H&N customers have this resource at their disposal. After submission and analysis of a feed sample, H&N nutritionists will discuss results and make recommendations specific to your operation.
- ELISA Testing
- Serology
- Bacteriology
- Virology
Diagnostic Laboratory
The health status of all internal multiplier and test flocks, their environment and the hatchery are continually monitored to help ensure the H&N chicks are free of egg transmitted diseases such as Mycoplasma, Salmonella and Lymphoid Leukosis. The highly qualified team of veterinarians at H&N also offers the customers advice on poultry health management practices and immunization procedures for the prevention of disease. For your individual solution in keeping your flock healthy we enjoy helping you to:
- Design the individual vaccination program for your flock
- Develop a hygiene monitoring program
- Determine the infection status of your farm
- Monitor the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection measures
Nutritional Service
Any experienced poultry person knows proper nutrition pays. In addition to health, proper nutrition is required to assure profitable performance of layer and breeder flocks. H&N layers are adaptable to the wide variations in feed formulations around the world. Careful selection of feed ingredients is essential in formulation of feeds that will meet a flock’s nutritional needs. The end result will be highly efficient production of top quality eggs demanded by the market.
Feed analysis laboratory
As part of our nutritional services we operate a feed analysis laboratory. Poultry health problems can sometimes be traced to feed. Therefore it is important to have access to a feed analysis laboratory. H&N customers have this resource at their disposal. After submission and analysis of a feed sample, H&N nutritionists will discuss results with you and make recommendations. This is a great advantage for H&N customers. In this way, solutions are found quickly thus minimizing negative effects on flock health.
In cases where the feed analysis results are not conclusive, our nutritionists will consult other specialists on the H&N technical staff. The customer can be sure that the expert technical staff of H&N will solve any problems as soon as possible.
Hatchery AND flock management support
Effective hatchery and breeder flock management is essential in order to guarantee prime quality chicks. Quality in a product has been defined as the inherent properties which determine the product’s degree of excellence. A day old chick is considered to be of good quality if it is able, given good management to grow quickly and achieve its maximum genetic potential. H&N starts by providing prime quality chicks of the highest health status from its state of the art hatcheries which are strategically located around the world. This is the basis of success in layer chick production.
H&N poultry management specialists have many years of experience in layer and breeder flock management, poultry housing and equipment, hatchery management and hatchery construction. These specialists work closely with the veterinary and nutrition staffs as well as area sales managers.
Academies and Seminars
H&N customers also have access to our poultry management and hatchery schools. These academies offer detailed instruction in all areas of poultry management. Instruction is provided by both H&N specialists and guest lecturers having specialized expertise. Attendance at H&N academies allows for good opportunities to exchange information with other attendees. H&N academies ensure efficient technology transfer. Typically each academy consists of four days of lecture followed by a one day field trip to a nearby poultry production facility.